What is the America Reads Challenge? 

Reading is essential for learning in all subject areas. In 1997 President Clinton issued the America Reads Challenge. He asked all Americans to join in the effort to improve children's reading achievement. The America Reads Challenge stresses the importance of communities coming together to ensure that all children read well. Everyone can join in the Challenge whether it is volunteering to read with a child, participating in book drives, or supporting teachers and schools.
ksu family reading with young child

One way the America Reads Challenge operates is through Federal Work Study (FWS) expansion. To help institutions with this initiative, the Secretary of Education waived the employer matching requirement for FWS students working under the America Reads Challenge.

Here at 正规博彩十大网站排名, eligible tutors spend 10 - 20 hours per week at a minimum of one semester or work until graduation in local elementary schools tutoring children in reading. The tutors participate in training both here and at the school or facility to which they are assigned. Tutors focus on mathematics and reading comprehension through activities. The activities include reading books together, working on letter sounds, playing literacy games, and creative writing. The elementary students see their tutors as mentors and friends.

For more information on the America Reads Challenge, contact the Federal Work-Study Coordinator, 470-正规博彩十大网站排名-INFO (470-578-4636) or email.

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