The Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA), includes many disclosures and reporting requirements. A disclosure requirement is an information that a postsecondary education institution is required to distribute or make available to another party, such as students or employees. A reporting requirement is information submitted to the U.S. Department of Education or other agencies. Disclosure and reporting requirements sometimes overlap. For certain topics, institutions are required to make information available to students or others and to submit information to the Department of Education.
Kennesaw State University is committed to the principle of promoting access to information that will allow consumers such as students, parents, counselors, researchers, and legislators to make informed decisions about postsecondary education. This web portal provides a single access point to all federally mandated reports and disclosures. This information is provided to all enrolled students via email.
Educational Program
Academic Program (Educational Programs, Instructional Facilities, and Faculty)
How Disclosed: Made available through appropriate publications, mailings, or electronic media
HEOA Sec. 488(a)(1)(A) amended HEA Sec. 485(a)(1)(G) (20 U.S.C. 1092(a)(1)(G)): added HEA Sec. 485(a)(1)(G)(iv). HEOA amendment effective August 14, 2008
34 CFR 668.41(a)-(d), 34 CFR 668.43
August 21, 2009 NPRM (revised 34 CFR 668.43)
Each institution must make available to prospective and enrolled students information about the academic program of the institution, including
- current degree programs and other educational and training programs;
- instructional, laboratory, and other physical facilities that relate to the academic program;
- faculty and other instructional personnel; and
- any plans by the institution for improving the academic program.
Status: In Compliance
Disclosure Report Link: Kennesaw State University Academic Colleges
Transfer of Credit Policies and Articulation Agreements
How Disclosed: Publicly disclosed
HEOA Sec. 488(g) amended HEA Sec. 485 (20 U.S.C. 1092): added HEA Sec. 485(h) HEOA amendment effective August 14, 2008
Each institution must publicly disclose information about the institution's policies regarding the transfer of credit earned at another higher education institution, including, at a minimum
- any established criteria the institution uses; and
- a list of institutions with which the institution has established an articulation agreement. (See also "Consumer Information on College Navigator Website" for transfer of credit policy reporting requirement.)
Status: In Compliance
Disclosure Report Link:
Copyright Infringement Policies and Sanctions (Including Computer Use and File Sharing)
How Disclosed: Made available through appropriate publications, mailings, or electronic media
HEOA Sec. 488(a)(1)(E) amended HEA Sec. 485(a)(1) (20 U.S.C. 1092(a)(1)): added HEA Sec.
HEOA amendment effective August 14, 2008
August 21, 2009 NPRM (added 34 CFR 668.43(a)(10))
Institutions must annually make available to current and prospective students the institution's policies and sanctions related to copyright infringement, including
- a statement that explicitly informs students that unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material, including unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, may subject the students to civil and criminal liabilities;
- a summary of the penalties for violation of federal copyright laws*; and
- the institution's policies with respect to unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, including disciplinary actions taken against students who engage in [illegal downloading or] unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials using the institution's information technology system.
[*The Department of Education will publish in the Federal Student Aid Handbook (see page 10) a summary of the civil and criminal penalties for violation of federal copyright laws.]
Status: In Compliance
Disclosure Report Link: Kennesaw State University Information Technology Services
Teacher Preparation Program Report
How Disclosed: Provide report to general public
HEOA Sec. 201 amended HEA Title II, Part A: new HEA Sec. 205-208 (20 U.S.C. 1022d-1022g). HEOA amendment effective August 14, 2008
Each institution must provide a report annually to the state and to the general public. The states submit to the Department of Education, and make available to the public, an annual report containing institutional and state-level information. The Department makes the state reports available to the public.
The institutional reports include
- goals*− information about whether goals have been met, activities implemented to achieve goals, and steps taken to improve performance in meeting goals; assurances** − description of activities the institution has implemented to meet assurances;
- pass rates and scaled scores for the most recent year for which information is available on assessments used by the state for teacher certification or licensure that have been taken by students who are enrolled in the teacher preparation program and students who have completed the program during the prior 2 years***;
- program information − admission criteria; enrollment disaggregated by race, ethnicity, and gender; average number of hours of supervised clinical experience; number of full-time-equivalent faculty and students in the supervised clinical experience; total number of students who have been certified or licensed as teachers, disaggregated by subject and area of certification or licensure;
- statement of approval or accreditation of program (if required by the state);
- whether the state has designated the program as low-performing;
- description of activities that prepare teachers to effectively use technology in instruction and to collect, manage, and analyze data; and description of activities that prepare teachers to teach effectively students with disabilities and students who have limited English proficiency.
* Goals: The institution must set annual quantifiable goals for increasing the number of prospective teachers trained in teacher shortage areas designated by the Department or by the state education agency.
**Assurances: The institution must provide assurances to the Department of Education regarding training related to identified needs of local education agencies or states and the needs of schools, training of special education teachers, training in providing instruction to diverse populations, and training to effectively teach in urban and rural schools, as applicable.
***If a program has fewer than 10 scores reported on any assessment during an academic year, the average pass rate and scaled scores shall be provided for a 3-year period.
The Department of Education is required to prescribe regulations to ensure the reliability, validity, integrity, and accuracy of the data submitted in institution and state reports.
For more information:
Status: In Compliance
Disclosure Report Link:
Student Complaint Process
How Disclosed: This made available via the 正规博彩十大网站排名 website.
An institution that participates in the Federal student aid programs authorized under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, must be authorized to operate by the State(s) where it is located (See 34 CFR 600.9). There are two basic requirements for an institution to be considered legally authorized by the State for Title IV funding eligibility purposes:
- The State must authorize an institution by name to operate educational programs beyondsecondary education. This requirement applies to all institutions, but the way compliance isdetermined depends on the type of postsecondary institution being authorized; an
- The State must have a process applicable to all institutions, except tribal and Federalinstitutions, to review and appropriately act on complaints concerning the institution,including enforcement of applicable State laws.
The requirement for a State to have a process to review and act upon student complaints is distinct from the process a State has to authorize an institution by name to operate educational programs beyond secondary education.
Status: In Compliance
Disclosure Link:
Gainful Employment Programs
How Disclosed: Notice is distributed to each enrolled student and each prospective student via the web.
34 CFR 668.6(b)(2)(iv)
The U.S. Department of Education requires colleges and universities to disclose a variety of information for any financial aid eligible program that “prepares students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation.” The information noted below is a list of each gainful employment program at 正规博彩十大网站排名 that has been deemed eligible for Federal Title IV aid (if eligibility criteria are met). We hope that this information is helpful to our current students and to prospective students as they make their career and educational choices.
Graduate Certificates:
- Graduate Certificate in Communications Management
- Graduate Certificate in Technical Communications
- Graduate Certificate in Visual Communication and Graphics
- Graduate Certificate in Business Continuity
- Graduate Certificate in Information Security
- Professional Certificate in Programming
- Graduate Certificate in Information Technology
- Graduate Transition Certificate in Computer Science
- Graduate Certificate in Special Education
- Educational Leadership – Certificate Only
- Gifted Endorsement Certificate
- Graduate Certificate in Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Online Teaching Certificate
- Online Teaching Endorsement Certificate
- Teacher Leader Endorsement Certificate
- Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Ethics
- ESOL Endorsement Certificate
- Graduate Certificate in Software Engineering
- Advanced Graduate Certificate in System Engineering
- Graduate Certificate in Systems Engineering
- Graduate Certificate in Quality
- Graduate Green Belt Certificate in Quality
- Professional Certificate in Specialty Construction
- Graduate Certificate in Instructional Design
- Professional Certificate in Project Management (Construction)
Undergraduate Certificates:
- Professional Certificate in Land Development
- Certificate in Production Design
- Certificate in Quality Principles
- Land Surveying Certificate
- Certificate in Apparel Product Development
- Certificate in Logistics
Special Certificate Programs:
- Academy for Inclusive Learning and Social Growth (CTP)
Status: In Compliance